Early Career Researcher and Student Members
We provide a friendly forum for all students and early-career members
to share ideas, discuss issues and meet like-minded people.
We define Early Career Researchers (ECRs) as anyone within 5 years of their last degree. Students and ECRs are encouraged to present their work at our conferences and webinars and to join our field visits and workshops, some of which are targeted specifically for students and ECRs. A full list of member benefits is listed below - join us now!
If you have specific questions or ideas about student and ECR activities, feel free to email students@iale.uk
Membership Benefits
Financial support for attendance at International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE) and other related events.
Free or discounted tuition at our Landscape Ecology UK workshops and field visits
Discounted attendance at UK, European and World IALE events
All the benefits of IALE World membership, including reduced journal publication charges
Network and engage with landscape ecology practioners and experts
Meet and connect with other early-stage researchers and practioners
Receive all Landscape Ecology UK newsletters
Participate in the landscape perspectives journal club
Join Us
Join us to link up with landscape ecologists from the UK and around the world. Receive and contribute to a regular newsletter. Get discounted registration at annual conferences, workshops and events run by ialeUK and other IALE chapters around the world. Early career members can apply for travel awards to ialeUK meetings.
ialeUK is run by volunteers and we’d love for you to join us. Consider joining the committee to help shape our ambitions. Contribute to our newsletter or speak at one of our Landscape Connections webinars to help spread the word. Host an event, like conference or workshop. So many ways to contribute!