Our organisation

Landscape Ecology UK is a not-for-profit membership organisation run by volunteers, which actively recruits members from science, policy and practice with interests in landscape ecology. This page provides more information on our History, Aims, Vision and Committee.


In the early 1990s, UK members of the newly established International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) decided to establish ialeUK as a regional chapter. A key aim recorded at the inaugural meeting in November 1991 was to ‘actively organise events and conferences for the further interaction between scientists, managers and planners in the field of landscape ecology’. In subsequent years, as reflected in a recent journal paper written about the first 25 years of ialeUK, we have built a reputation for organising friendly and welcoming events that bring together science, policy and practice to discuss and share a wide range of themes. In 2024 we changed our name to Landscape Ecology UK to more easily communicate our focus.

Aims & Vision

The core aims of Landscape Ecology UK are:

  • To promote interest, learning and understanding of landscape ecology

  • To promote inter-disciplinary research across the many fields in landscape ecology

  • To encourage communication between scientists, policy makers, planners and practitioners concerned with landscape ecology.

Our vision is to see:

  • Research in the UK furthers knowledge of landscape ecology

  • Legislation, policies, regulations, incentives and best practice are informed by landscape ecology

  • Those with an interest in protecting, planning, or managing land, water or associated ecosystem goods and services share a good understanding of landscape ecology.

Our Committee

Landscape Ecology UK is led by an enthusiastic committee of volunteers who share responsibilities for achieving our aims. The committee prides itself on its open and inclusive culture, representation from research and practice, and full participation of landscape ecologists in all career stages. Please consider volunteering to join the committee.

The current committee is formed of:

Prof. Marc Metzger | President | Professor of Environment and Society at the University of Edinburgh | president@iale.uk

Dr. Jessica Neumann | Secretary | Associate Professor of Physical Geography at University of Readingsecretary@iale.uk

Dr. Vanessa Burton | Treasurer | Conservation Adviser at the Woodland Trust | treasurer@iale.uk

Dr. James Millington | Membership Secretary & Publicity Officer | Reader in Landscape Ecology at King’s College London | membership@iale.uk

Dr. Chris Foster | Newsletter Editor | Lecturer in Animal Ecology at University of Reading

Caitlin Lewis | Early Career Representative |  Environmental Scientist at Forest Research | students@iale.uk

Dr. Chloe Bellamy | ordinary member | Senior Spatial Scientist at Forest Research

Dr. Geoffrey Griffiths | ordinary member | Visiting Professor at University of Reading

Dr. Mike Image | ordinary member | Associate - Natural Capital at AtkinsRealis

Jonathan Porter | ordinary member | Technical Director at Countryscape

Dr. Adrian Southern | ordinary member | Head of Landscape Scale Delivery at the Woodland Trust

Dr. Chris Young | ordinary member | Senior Lecturer Animal Behaviour and Wildlife Conservation at University of Wolverhampton

Leanne Sargeant | ordinary member | Senior Ecologist at Forestry England

Dr. Jess Williams | ordinary member | Imperial College Research Fellow at Imperial College London

Committee Overview

Landscape Ecology UK committee members are not renumerated but legitimate expenses to fulfil committee roles are reimbursed. The committee meets 3-4 times a year and each committee member should be prepared to attend at least 2 meetings per year. The committee comprises officers with specific roles (described below) and ordinary members. Officers are required to submit a report for each committee meeting and an annual report for the Annual Meeting. Roles require a varying degree of commitment, with a minimum of 3 days per year for meetings and activities (e.g. ordinary member). Officers are expected to arrange and orderly handover to their successors.

Committee Roles

The descriptions of roles below are intended to indicate the type of activities associated which each role (use the + symbol to read details). These role descriptions were last updated 14 May 2024.

    • Chair committee meetings and the Annual Meeting.

    • Liaise with the secretary about the timing and arrangement of committee meetings.

    • Consider items to be discussed at meetings and prepare the agenda in collaboration with the Secretary.

    • Promote and represent ialeUK, including liaison with external organisations. 

    • Liaise with IALE and IALE-Europe and represent the views of ialeUK internationally.

    • Ensure the accounts balance.

    • Note all items of income and expenditure.

    • Liaise with membership secretary concerning membership payments.

    • Pay IALE and IALE-Europe annual subscription fees.

    • Pay committee expenses in line with the <<expense policy>>.

    • Be a company director.

    • Liaise with accountants and Companies House regarding the end of year accounts.

    • Submit a report for each committee meeting and an annual report at the Annual Meeting.

    • Coordinate logistics for committee meetings and circulate the agenda.

    • Produce a full record of committee meetings and any resulting actions.

    • Notify members of the Annual Meeting and opportunities to join the committee.

    • Produce a full record of Annual Meetings.

    • Collate and manage contact details of committee members, inform web manager of email addresses for the committee email

    • Maintain an up-to-date record of members.

    • Manage membership payments and liaise with the Treasurer regarding membership income.

    • Organise membership renewal reminders and encourage membership.

    • Send up-to-date membership information to IALE and IALE Europe.

    • Manage compliance with GDPR legislation.

    • Submit a report for each committee meeting and an annual report at the Annual Meeting.

    • Manage the website, considering content, design, and functionality.  

    • Manage social media accounts and use them for publicity.

    • Work with Newsletter Editor to publish and publicise newsletters.

    • Work with Conference Organisers, Webinar convenors and others to publicise events.

    • Encourage members (and others) to submit content for the website and social media.

    • Submit a report for each committee meeting and an annual report at the Annual Meeting.

    • Produce a newsletter for circulation to members.  

    • Request information and articles from the committee and members.

    • Approach potential authors for special features for the newsletter.

    • Submit a report for each committee meeting and an annual report at the Annual Meeting.

    • To network, engage and support postgraduate students and early career landscape ecology professionals within 5 years of their last degree.  

    • Recruit new student members and maintain relationships with existing members.

    • Organise an annual Early Career event.

    • Manage Student Travel Awards, including advertising collating reports from student receiving awards.

    • Contribute Early Career related items to the newsletter

    • Submit a report for each committee meeting and an annual report at the Annual Meeting.

    • Attend committee meetings to engage in discussion about the future direction and governance of ialeUK.

    • Uphold the interests of ialeUK and promote the principles and practise of landscape ecology to members and the wider community.

    • Organise the conference with support from the Committee.

    • Pass information on to the next conference organiser and remain on the committee as an ordinary member until all conference business is concluded.

Limited Company

ialeUK is a limited company and not-for-profit organisation. The current directors are Vanessa Burton and Jessica Neumann. Legitimate committee expenses to fulfil committee roles are reimbursed following our <<expense policy>> but are not paid for their time and all other income is used to pursue our aims. 

Join Us

Join us to connect with landscape ecologists from the UK and around the world. Receive and contribute to a regular newsletter. Get discounted registration at annual conferences, workshops and events run by Landscape Ecology UK and other IALE chapters around the world. Early career members can apply for travel awards to our meetings.


Landscape Ecology UK is run by volunteers and we’d love for you to contribute. Consider joining the committee to help shape our ambitions. Contribute a News Story or speak at one of our Landscape Connections webinars. Add to our Image Library or host an event, like a conference or workshop. So many ways to contribute!